vlad.knock: An aircraft designer Sergei Korolev.
vlad.knock: Sputnik_1 was the first artificial Earth satellite, launched by the USSR on October 4, 1957.
vlad.knock: Belka and Strelka.
vlad.knock: Belka and Strelka. NOT a maxicard.
vlad.knock: Belka and Strelka. NOT a maxi_card.
vlad.knock: Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin the first human to journey into outer space.
vlad.knock: Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.NOT maxicard.
vlad.knock: Cosmonaut Gagarin Yuri. NOT maxicard.
vlad.knock: USSR poster reprint. Yuri Gagarin. Postcard 13x18cm.
vlad.knock: Space will serve people - Gagarin. USSR poster reprint. Postcard 13x18cm.
vlad.knock: The postcard shows a photograph of Yuri Gagarin holding a dove given to him by the Bulgarian pioneers.
vlad.knock: The postcard depicts a Soviet stamp dedicated to Gagarin.
vlad.knock: USSR poster reprint. Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman in outer space. Postcard 13x18cm.
vlad.knock: Cosmonaut Tereshkova Valentina the first woman in space.
vlad.knock: USSR poster reprint. The first astronauts Postcard 13x18cm.
vlad.knock: Soviet reusable spacecraft Energia Buran.
vlad.knock: Expedition 61_62
vlad.knock: Ilyushin Il-76 (Flying laboratory)
vlad.knock: Gagarin Y.A.
vlad.knock: Sergey Krainev. 1975_Leonov_on_the_Moon.
vlad.knock: Two paintings on the stamps are works of cosmonauts Leonov ahd Dzhanibekov.
vlad.knock: Lena Gnedkova. Rockets up.
vlad.knock: Anna Loch. All about space.
vlad.knock: Eve Mazur. Laika - first dog-astronaut.
vlad.knock: Oksana Ivanets. Let's dream.
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