wm7549: Departing Newark
wm7549: Its truck month at your local dodge ram
wm7549: Trucks and Trains
wm7549: Silver Service train WB
wm7549: Q032(?) Passing thru Newark
wm7549: Spirit unit!
wm7549: Chaos behind the scenes
wm7549: David again
wm7549: Stopping at Newark
wm7549: Engineer steps off his thrown
wm7549: EB Silver Service
wm7549: EB Regional
wm7549: NS 36A at Churchman's
wm7549: Close but not Cigar
wm7549: Pulling into Wilmington
wm7549: Departing Wilmington
wm7549: Double Header
wm7549: Meeting of two Regionals
wm7549: Two Regionals in Wilmington
wm7549: Station stop
wm7549: Meet at Wilmington
wm7549: Septa train layover
wm7549: Waiting half an hour
wm7549: Facing West
wm7549: Cranes
wm7549: Wilmington Skyline
wm7549: Saluting our Veterans
wm7549: Acela through Claymont
wm7549: Septa arriving in Claymont
wm7549: DPU Passing Perryville.