Pisharam Astro: The Whirlpool Galaxy ( M51) : HaLRGB
Pisharam Astro: The Crescent Nebula ( Ngc 6888) : HOO-RGB Blend
Pisharam Astro: The Eagle Nebula ( M16 ) : SHO-HOO-RGB Blend
Pisharam Astro: The Wisps of Pleiades Cluster(M45) : LRGB
Pisharam Astro: The Cone Neblua and the Fox /Christmas tree Cluster
Pisharam Astro: Cigar Galaxy( M82 ) And Supernova ( SN 2014J) : HaLRGB
Pisharam Astro: Crescent Nebula( Ngc 6888) & Soap Bubble : HORGB
Pisharam Astro: Southern Pinwheel Galaxy( M83) : LRGB
Pisharam Astro: A Dusty(IFN) SunFlower Galaxy ( M63) : HaLRGB
Pisharam Astro: Eta Carina Nebula(Ngc3372) : HORGB
Pisharam Astro: The Omega Centauri( Ngc 5139 ) : RGB
Pisharam Astro: The Seagull Nebula(IC2117) : SHO-HOO Blend
Pisharam Astro: The Cone Neblua and the Fox /Christmas tree Cluster
Pisharam Astro: The Elephant Trunk Nebula(IC 1396 ) : HORGB Blend
Pisharam Astro: The Heart Nebula and the Fish Head( IC1805 + IC1795) : SHO-HOO Blend
Pisharam Astro: Thor's Helmet Crop( NGC 2359 SHO_Blend)
Pisharam Astro: Flaming Star & Tadpole Nebula(IC410 and IC405) : HOO_SHO Blend
Pisharam Astro: The Seagull Nebula(IC2117) : Alternate HORGB Blend
Pisharam Astro: Thor's Helmet ( NGC 2359 HORGB))
Pisharam Astro: The Jellyfish Nebula ( Ic 443 ) : SHORGB version.
Pisharam Astro: The PinWheel Galaxy( M101 : HaLRGB)
Pisharam Astro: The Triangulum Galaxy ( M31) : HaLRGB
Pisharam Astro: The California Nebula ( Ngc 1499) : SHORGB
Pisharam Astro: The Ghost Nebula ( Vdb141) : LRGB
Pisharam Astro: The Lagoon & Trifid Nebula Widefield ( M8 & M20) : SHORGB
Pisharam Astro: The Southern PinWheel Galxy ( M83) : HaLRGB Reprocessed
Pisharam Astro: The Lagoon Nebula ( M8 ) : SHO_HOO Blend
Pisharam Astro: Jupiter and the Great Red Spot ( plus a moon)
Pisharam Astro: The Sombrero Galaxy(M104) : RGB Hubble Legacy Archive
Pisharam Astro: The Wizard Nebula(Ngc 7380 ) : SHO