andybordeaux2018: Cistus ( Rock Rose )
andybordeaux2018: Cornus Florida “Norman Hadden”
andybordeaux2018: Bearded Iris #5
andybordeaux2018: Bearded iris
andybordeaux2018: Bearded Iris #6
andybordeaux2018: Bearded Iris #3
andybordeaux2018: Hellebore Niger ( 'Christmas Rose' )
andybordeaux2018: Blossom of Winter Cherry
andybordeaux2018: Tub with palm and jonquils
andybordeaux2018: Seed pod of Peony
andybordeaux2018: Fruits of Cornus 'Norman Hadden'
andybordeaux2018: Liquidambar Styricaflua Variegata
andybordeaux2018: Magnolia Glandiflora leaves
andybordeaux2018: The summer house and pergola.
andybordeaux2018: Climbing Rose
andybordeaux2018: Wisteria #2
andybordeaux2018: Yucca Variegata
andybordeaux2018: Aubretia .. with a butterfly !
andybordeaux2018: Magnolia Stellata 'Leonard Messel' (?)
andybordeaux2018: Acer Palmatum 'Osakazuki' #2
andybordeaux2018: Wisteria on pergola and summer house
andybordeaux2018: Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Wave'
andybordeaux2018: Hedgehog !
andybordeaux2018: Spring Crocuses #1
andybordeaux2018: Crocuses #2
andybordeaux2018: Opium Poppies .. but the red frilly type !
andybordeaux2018: Tulips #1
andybordeaux2018: Arum lily #1