byzantologist: Virgin Hodegetria icon (Tretyakov Gallery)
byzantologist: Andrei Rublev, Trinity, detail (Tretyakov Gallery)
byzantologist: Christ Emmanuel with Archangels, late 12th century, Vladimir-Suzdalian, Russia (Tretyakov Gallery)
byzantologist: Saint Barbara icon, second half of the 14th century(?), Uglitch(?), Russia (Tretyakov Gallery)
byzantologist: Virgin of the Sign, first third of the 13th century, Yaroslavl (Tretyakov Gallery)
byzantologist: Icon with Christ King of Glory (Man of Sorrows), 14th century, Balkans(?), tempera and gold on wood, 100 x 94 cm (State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow)
byzantologist: St. Nicholas (St. Nicholas of Zaraisk) with scenes of his life, second half of the 14th century, Rostov (Tretyakov Gallery)
byzantologist: detail of St. Nicholas (St. Nicholas of Zaraisk) with scenes of his life, second half of the 14th century, Rostov (Tretyakov Gallery)
byzantologist: detail of St. Nicholas (St. Nicholas of Zaraisk) with scenes of his life, second half of the 14th century, Rostov (Tretyakov Gallery)