stenfisker: Temple of the Yuan-ti
stenfisker: "I don't like these creepy serpent statues !"
stenfisker: "Chained Spitting Cobras ? Okay, move forward, but cover your eyes !"
stenfisker: DM Note: the one in the purple dress, yeah, she is a Yuan-ti spy...
stenfisker: Hall of the Guardian
stenfisker: The Guardian !!!
stenfisker: "Ahh, look, there in the cage, the three villagers we are looking for ! Gotta help them !"
stenfisker: Yuan-ti Abomination attacks !
stenfisker: The Guardian joins the battle !!!
stenfisker: Victorious ! And we free the prisoners: his Holiness the Abbot, Estra the Spiritualist and Rix the "used-cart salesman".
stenfisker: "Now we can focus on looting the rest of this temple. Let's see what lies beyond those doors !"
stenfisker: The Shrine of Twin Idols
stenfisker: The leader of the Yuan-ti, also known as an Anathema. "He wasn't willing to negotiate..."
stenfisker: "Victorious again ! Now let's find the treasure ! Whoa, look at those amazing idols with their enormous ruby necklaces !"
stenfisker: We split up, four of us check out the treasure, while Vadim the barbarian takes a closer look at the alter...
stenfisker: "It's a trap !"
stenfisker: "Wait a second. Did those idols just move ?"
stenfisker: "And what's up with this mist ? This can't be good !"
stenfisker: "Oh no ! The power of the trap has awoken the ancient Twin Idols ! Now there is only one thing we can do !"
stenfisker: RUN !!!
stenfisker: "We are out ! We are safe ! And we are never going back !”