jhwong73: Orange-chinned Parakeet
jhwong73: Central American agouti
jhwong73: Fulvous-vented Euphonia
jhwong73: Fasciated Tiger-Heron
jhwong73: Blue-gray Tanager
jhwong73: Plain-colored Tanager
jhwong73: Crimson-backed Tanager
jhwong73: Bay-headed Tanager
jhwong73: Scarlet-rumped Tanager
jhwong73: Spot-crowned Euphonia (female)
jhwong73: Spot-crowned Euphonia
jhwong73: Thick-billed Euphonia
jhwong73: Green Honeycreeper
jhwong73: Buff-throated Saltator
jhwong73: Costa Rican Brushfinch
jhwong73: White-ruffed Manakin
jhwong73: Red-crowned Woodpecker
jhwong73: Birds don't wait for you to finish lunch
jhwong73: Lesson's Motmot
jhwong73: Lesson's Motmot
jhwong73: Crested Oropendola
jhwong73: Fiery-billed Aracari
jhwong73: Fiery-billed Aracari
jhwong73: Fiery-billed Aracari
jhwong73: Collared Redstart
jhwong73: Yellow-thighed Brushfinch
jhwong73: With Ben and Alex
jhwong73: Resplendent Quetzal
jhwong73: Resplendent Quetzal
jhwong73: Black-faced Solitaire