Micheal Aaron:
Preserved Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown R855 PRG seen here at the Northern National Restoration Group Open Day
Micheal Aaron:
Preserved Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown Lime V988 ETN seen here at the Northern National Restoration Group Open Day
Micheal Aaron:
Preserved Scania L94 Wright Eclipse Solar NK54 NVN seen here under heavy restoration owned by NNRG at there Open Day
Micheal Aaron:
Preserved Leyland National FTN 710W seen here at the Northern National Restoration Group Open Day
Micheal Aaron:
Preserved Transbus International Mini Pointer Dart NK53 TMZ seen here at its new home with the NNRG
Micheal Aaron:
Preserved Leyland National UPT 681V seen here for the first time in years in heavy restoration
Micheal Aaron:
Preserved DAF SB220 Plaxton Prestige R981 FNW seen here parked up at the Northern National Restoration Group Depot
Micheal Aaron:
DAF SB220 Plaxton Prestige R981 FNW seen parked up at the Northern National Restoration Group Depot
Micheal Aaron:
Scania L94 Wright Solar NK54 NVN seen during heavy restoration work into Old Go North East
Micheal Aaron:
Transbus International Mini Pointer Dart NK53 TMZ seen here parked up at the Northern National Restoration Group Open Day
Micheal Aaron:
Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown Lime 78 V988 ETN seen displaying Steve Foster. Gone but not forgotten
Micheal Aaron:
Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown R855 PRG seen at the Northern National Restoration Group Depot
Micheal Aaron:
Northern National Restoration Group Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown R855 PRG seen at Penshaw Monument
Micheal Aaron:
Northern National Restoration Group Scania L94 Wright Solar NK54 NVN seen at the Depot Open Day
Micheal Aaron:
500 Group Bristol VR RDC 106R seen passing Penshaw Monument
Micheal Aaron:
Leyland National FTN 710W seen passing Penshaw Monument
Micheal Aaron:
PPT 446P, BUP 736L, YSF 87S, RDC 106R, M223 SVN, R855 PRG & FTN 710W
Micheal Aaron:
Northern National Restoration Group Scania L94 Wright Solar NK54 NVN & Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown The Lime V988 ETN
Micheal Aaron:
Northern National Restoration Group Scania L94 Wright Solar NK54 NVN seen at the Open day depot
Micheal Aaron:
The Eden Leyland Leopard PPT 446P seen passing Penshaw Monument
Micheal Aaron:
500 Group Volvo Olympian M223 SVN seen at the Northern National Restoration Group Open Day
Micheal Aaron:
500 Group Bristol VR RDC 106R seen at the Northern National Restoration Group Open Day
Micheal Aaron:
Northern National Restoration Group Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown The Lime V988 ETN seen displaying 294 Follingsby Park
Micheal Aaron:
Leyland Leopard BUP 736L seen passing Penshaw Monument
Micheal Aaron:
Northern National Restoration Group Volvo Olympian Yellow Bus S814 FVK seen at the Depot Open Day
Micheal Aaron:
Northern National Restoration Group Leyland National FTN 710W seen at the open day
Micheal Aaron:
Northern National Restoration Group Leyland National FTN 710W & Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown R855 PRG
Micheal Aaron:
500 Group Bristol VR RDC 106R seen at the Northern National Restoration Group Open Day
Micheal Aaron:
Leyland Leopard YSF 87S, Leyland Leopard The Eden PPT 446P, Bristol VR RDC 106R, Leyland National FTN 710W, Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown R855 PRG, Volvo Olympian M223 SVN
Micheal Aaron:
Northern National Restoration Group Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown R855 PRG & Workington Transport Heritage Trust Leyland National WHH 556S