Micheal Aaron: Shoreline Suncruisers Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400 V160 MEV seen here on the 109 Seafront Service
Micheal Aaron: Shoreline Suncruisers Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400 530 MUY seen here on the 333 Scarborough Loop
Micheal Aaron: Shoreline Suncruisers Dennis Trident Plaxton President Ex Lothian V516 ESC seen here on the 109 Seafront
Micheal Aaron: Shoreline Suncruisers Volvo B7TL TransBus ALX400 LT52 WVZ seen here on the 555 to Scarborough
Micheal Aaron: Shoreline Suncruisers Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400 J800 SSB seen here on the 555 to Filey