Micheal Aaron: Stagecoach North East ADL Enviro400 MMC SN69 ZRJ seen here on the 695 to Killingworth
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches. Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Urban OBR 297 seen here operating Scholars 693
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 OBR 297 seen here retuning after finishing 134
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B6BLE Plaxton Concept HC04 BBB on School 680 service
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 3515 HX seen here to start School service 679
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 3515 HX seen here on Scholars 679
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 OBR 297 seen here on Scholars 693 to Seaton Burn
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 OBR 297 seen here returning to the Depot
Micheal Aaron: Arriva North East ADL Enviro400 Sapphire NK57 DYA seen here on School Bus 698
Micheal Aaron: Arriva North East ADL Enviro400 Sapphire NK14 GFJ seen here on the 698 on Fern Drive
Micheal Aaron: Stagecoach Newcastle (Walkergate Depot) SN69 ZPX 11293
Micheal Aaron: Stagecoach ADL Enviro400MMC SN69 ZPK seen here operating the 695 to Killingworth
Micheal Aaron: Stagecoach North East ADL Enviro400 MMC SN69 ZPR seen here on the 695 to Killingworth
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 OBR 297 seen here heading back to the depot
Micheal Aaron: Stagecoach North East ADL Enviro400 NK60 DNO seen here on the 695 Scholars
Micheal Aaron: Arriva North East ADL Enviro400 Sapphire NK57 GWZ seen here on the 698 Scholars
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B6BLE Plaxton Concept HC04 BBB seen arriving back at the depot
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 OBR 297 seen here returning to the depot
Micheal Aaron: Arriva North East Wright StreetLite Max DF Micro Hybrid NK64 EEA seen here on the Scholars Run 695
Micheal Aaron: Arriva North East ADL Enviro400 Sapphire NK57 GWZ seen here on the 693 Scholars Run
Micheal Aaron: Arriva North East Jesmond Depot YX18 KNM seen here on hire to help dupe service 43 to run as S43
Micheal Aaron: Arriva North East (Ashington Based) ADL Enviro400 MMC YX17 NNZ 7549 seen here on the 695 School bus
Micheal Aaron: Arriva North East ADL Enviro400 New Sapphire LJ56 VTL seen here on the 695 to Seaton Burn College
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B6BLE Plaxton Concept HC04 BBB seen arriving back at the depot
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 297 OBR seen arriving back at the depot
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 3515 HX seen here arriving back at the depot
Micheal Aaron: Arriva North East ADL Enviro400 Sapphire NK57 GWX seen here on the 693 to Seaton Burn College
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 OBR 297 seen here leaving for 693 Scholars
Micheal Aaron: Henry Cooper Coaches Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2 3515 HX leaving for thw 679 Scholars
Micheal Aaron: Stagecoach North East ADL Enviro400H NK11 DJJ on the 695 during heavy snow fall(Check Description for help plz)