RuggedSespe: Brownstone formations of bluff camp area with topa topa peak in far center
RuggedSespe: Great view of white acre peak and white acre meadow in far center
RuggedSespe: San Cayetano peak in far right
RuggedSespe: Topatopa bluff, cream puff and hines peak.
RuggedSespe: Summit rock pile
RuggedSespe: Looking down towards timber canyon and toland park
RuggedSespe: Summit benchmark
RuggedSespe: Looking towards the beautiful city of Santa Paula
RuggedSespe: Big bad cobblestone mountain in the distance
RuggedSespe: There use to be a Santa Paula peak sign here
RuggedSespe: Brownstone formations of bluff camp area
RuggedSespe: Cousin peaks - sulfur peak and white acre peak
RuggedSespe: Beautiful city of Fillmore
RuggedSespe: Santa Paula Peak and Charman
RuggedSespe: Always love going through the old registry’s
RuggedSespe: Bent yucca, always wonder how things Iike this happen
RuggedSespe: Santa Paula Ridge
RuggedSespe: Best seat in the neighborhood
RuggedSespe: Ivan enjoying the peak
RuggedSespe: Mandatory summit picture
RuggedSespe: Looking down the east fork of Santa Paula creek
RuggedSespe: Santa Paula Peak 2023