亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: If-no-one-in-the-world-cares-about-you,-do-you-still-exist
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Shopping-time
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Off-to-a-ski-holiday
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Wine isn't the answer to everything, but at least it makes you forget the question
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: happy-valentines-day
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Sit-here-and-wait-for-something-nice
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Without-you-everything-...
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Every-spring-carries-the-magic-of-a-beginning
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Fancy-a-latte
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: I am what I am