亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Waiting-for-you
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Euffeuiller-la-Marguerite
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Coffee-and-cigarette-are-also-breakfast
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: It's-best-if-you-don't-say-anything-now...
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Kiss-me-at-Midnight-...-Happy-New-Year
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Its-funny-timeeee
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Wine isn't the answer to everything, but at least it makes you forget the question
亗 S t ö p s e L 亗: Laughter-is-timeless,-imagination-has-no-age,-dreams-are-forever