haanings: Sabine Gull and Arctic Terns, Longyearbyen, Svalbard
haanings: Sabines Gull
haanings: Purple Sandpipers, Alkhornet, Svalbard
haanings: Walrus, Poolepynten, Svalbard
haanings: Walrusses, Poolepynten, Svalbard
haanings: Walrusses, Poolepynten, Svalbard
haanings: Walrusses, Poolepynten, Svalbard
haanings: Fulmar, Svalbard
haanings: Kinfish, Svalbard
haanings: Camp Mansfield, Ny London, Svalbard
haanings: Fulmar en route Svalbard to East Greenland
haanings: Calving, Kungsvegen Glacier, Svalbard
haanings: Kungsvegen Glacier, Svalbard
haanings: Glaucous Gulls, Kungsfjorden, Svalbard
haanings: Arctic Skua chasing Kittiwake, Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
haanings: Kittiwakes and two Sabine Gulls, the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Dark morph Pomarine Skua, Shannon Island, East Greenland
haanings: Ivory Gull, the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Icebergs, Shannon Island, East Greenland
haanings: Ivory Gull in the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Ivory Gull in the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Polar Bears, mother and cub, the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Polar Bears in the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Polar Bears in the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Polar Bear in the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Polar Bear in the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Polar Bear, the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Polar Bears in the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Polar Bear in the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland
haanings: Polar Bears in the pack ice outside Store Koldeway, East Greenland