Larry He's So Fine: Stick Figure Goes Down With Style
Larry He's So Fine: Always wear a hard hat when planning to plummet into a pit.
Larry He's So Fine: My bike doesn't know the meaning of Danger!
Larry He's So Fine: Larry Suddenly Drops Off at Thetis Lake
Larry He's So Fine: Double Trouble
Larry He's So Fine: Lake weed harvester at Chestermere Lake
Larry He's So Fine: Royco Landing Gear Fluid Yellow
Larry He's So Fine: Face Plant Zone
Larry He's So Fine: No Risks On This Jobsite
Larry He's So Fine: Arrow Peril
Larry He's So Fine: l. to r. Yoga Guy lifting a box and Squatting To Take A Dump Guy lifting a box
Larry He's So Fine: That's Gotta Smart
Larry He's So Fine: Small Tourist Busses Do Not Do Well On The Lower Deck Of The Centre Street Bridge
Larry He's So Fine: Double Danger
Larry He's So Fine: Danger Thin Ice And Green Grass
Larry He's So Fine: Life In The Thor Zone
Larry He's So Fine: Shocking!
Larry He's So Fine: I fell down
Larry He's So Fine: Do as I say, not as I do.
Larry He's So Fine: Comet strikes condo. Film at 11.
Larry He's So Fine: Dance or we’ll drop stuff on your head.
Larry He's So Fine: Danger does a headstand.
Larry He's So Fine: Stick Figure Does A Headstand
Larry He's So Fine: Canadian Pacific Rail Bridge Collapse
Larry He's So Fine: Break Dancing 101
Larry He's So Fine: Bucket Seat
Larry He's So Fine: Double Danger at CP Railyard