Denny Zeut:
Blyde River Canyon, South Africa
Denny Zeut:
The Bo-Kaap (lit. "above the Cape" in Afrikaans) area of Cape Town, South Africa
Denny Zeut:
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Denny Zeut:
Kolkgate Potholes, Blyde River Canyon, South Africa
Denny Zeut:
Nelson Mandella house, Soweto Township, Johannesburg South Africa
Denny Zeut:
Our trip to The Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Denny Zeut:
Male Elephant, Kruger NP
Denny Zeut:
Walking a road less traveled
Denny Zeut:
A baby baboon on mom's back
Denny Zeut:
A white rhino emerged out of the bush
Denny Zeut:
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Denny Zeut:
Table Mountain Aerial Cableway, Capetown
Denny Zeut:
A glossy starling looking for a handout