JF Ryan: The Doctor: "Hmmm, thats odd, looks like the tardis has been somewhere without me. Hold on people, with less power, things might get a litle bumpy"
JF Ryan: Lieutenant Halsey: "Did you know about this device Sgt?" Buck: "No sir, I was wondering how so many visitors could fit in such a tiny space. Now I know. This has to be a top secret installation for sure."
JF Ryan: Takagawa: "Forget my rice steamer, I have more important things to worry about. I will hide near the entrance door and leave before they notice me. Oh, the medics log book is poking out of his back pocket. I must obtain it for intel gathering."
JF Ryan: W/O Takagawa: "Oh I was not aware of this building on Iwo Jima. The Emperor was wise to keep it secret. But why is there a Russian female soldier also here? I think America is not strong enough to defeat Nipon on its own."
JF Ryan: Lt Halsey: "The Dr and joe will remain with the tardis. Ok, lets do this."
JF Ryan: Klink: "Heidi, congratulations on your promotion. Im sure your uncle Himmler is very pleased with your progress. "Heidi: "Thank you sir, thank you for recommending me."
JF Ryan: Klink: "Did he um say anything about me during your conversation today over the phone?" Heidi: "Oh yes! " Klink: "Really?" Heidi: "But then the line cut." Klink: "Damn French resistance!" Heidi: "No, he hung up."
JF Ryan: Willy: "Excuse us sir, we captured two allied soldiers patrolling near the Chateau."Heidi : "Hi, Willy"
JF Ryan: Klink: "Well, dont just stand there like a couple of dummies, bring them in. "Willy :"Ja, Kommandant".
JF Ryan: Willy : "Sir, they were patrolling in their jeep. We found them after they ran out of gas."
JF Ryan: Klink :"Ran out of gas....is that so? Perhaps the allies supply lines are over stretched, a common problem in this war. Our Panzer divisions are facing the same problem. Come here girl and state your name."
JF Ryan: Victoria: "Sir, I am Lieutenant Jefferson, a nurse from the 247 Military Field Hospital St. Lo Normandy. I must also correct you. Your panzers are not over stretched from advancing, but from retreating."
JF Ryan: Klink: "Enough of your insolence! Take them to the loft. Lady Chanel will monitor them. They might be useful for when we want safe passage out of here. Its only matter of time before the allies arrive in force"
JF Ryan: Dieter: "Sir I found this soldier in the basement, he seems to be Japanese and very confused. He surrended his revolver without question".
JF Ryan: Takagawa :"Greetings in the name of the Emperor and sun god of Nipon. I am W/O Kiyoshi Takagawa. Welcolme to Iwo Jima. Together we can win this war and put an end to the sleeping tiger, USA."
JF Ryan: Klink: "Excellent, you may keep your side arm. You are however, in France, not Iwo Jima. Sgt Marlene wilk check you over. I will contact the Japanese embassy in Berlin. You may be suffering from shell shock."
JF Ryan: Victoria: "You dont have shell shock. You came here in a time machine didnt you, you egg! When the Allies get here you will wish you were back on Iwo Jima pal."
JF Ryan: Sgt Buck Remington : "Sir, Somebody's comin"
JF Ryan: Doctor: "Ok folks, just a short trip to the banquet hall to collect the diamond and our special guest,
JF Ryan: Heidi : "La la, la la la la...."
JF Ryan: Lt Fred Halsey: "Private Heidi Schneider?" Heidi" Oh, ah, Lieutenant Schneider, but yes, its me" Lt Halsey: "You are coming with us. This way please."
JF Ryan: Lt Halsey: "Well, here she is Doctor. She just walked through the door." The Doctor: "Thanks lieutenant. Heidi Im not entirely sure of your allegiance, but Im offering you an olive branch to change sides".
JF Ryan: Heidi: "Im actually a member of the Dutch Resistance. Its a long story. But I had to do what I did to avoid suspicion." Doctor: "Thats why we must take you with us. your skills are needed on the allied side."
JF Ryan: Heidi: "Oh, I see the problem. The Lorenz integration filters are out of alignment. An adjustment of the diode ring modulators should allow your craft to maximize power transfer. I was designing my own machine before the war."
JF Ryan: The doctor: "I knew it like it was on the tip of my tongue! Will you help me Heidi, will you help us? Heidi: "Sure, Im ready for my next adventure. Doctor: "Oh, Heidi...its just the beginning! Lets get out of here."
JF Ryan: The Doctor: "Ok we have a problem, we are not moving!" Heidi: "I dont understand, I recalibrated the diode ring modulators in tune with the Lorenz constant of integration. Wait, theres a power absorption leak just outside the Tardis!"
JF Ryan: The Doctor: "Yes and its holding us back but why?" Heidi: "All the mathematical analysis points to an ancient Egyptian diety, the cat godess, Bastet. It was in the banquet hall near the fire place, but now its at our door. It wants something very strongly
JF Ryan: The Doctor: "Theres another energy surge inside the Tardis with no human or do....um I mean its another Egyptian artifact." Heidi whispering: "Its ok dr, I know we are in a doll universe. Someone has brought in a treasure".
JF Ryan: Sgt Buck Remington: "Sorry Doc, I thought this statue might look good in the officers mess tent." Doctor: "Thank you Sgt, could you please just pop it out the door and we'll be on our way".
JF Ryan: The sound of the Tardis fading into the background and disappearing. End of sequence, thank goodness!