toropano: Rich Moore and Davide Direnzo on drums. Kensington Jazz Festival, Sept 2019.
toropano: Tom Wilson. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Jozef Botos, Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Reg Schwager, Guitar virtuoso. Kensington Jazz Festival, Sept 2019.
toropano: Jeremy Hector. Grenada's top guitar player. Kensington Jazz Festival, 2019.
toropano: Canadian Icon Jim Cuddy. Kensington Jazz, September 2019. Happy Canada Day.
toropano: Jimmy Bowskill. One time child wonder. Kensington Jazz Festival, Sept 2019.
toropano: Unknown Youth Band. Film Cafe, Kensington Jazz, Sept 2019.
toropano: Richard Underhill with 'The Lesters', Kensington Jazz, Sept 2019.
toropano: The Legend of 'Handsome Ned'. Cameron House.
toropano: Viper's Cloud; Hot Five. Markham Jazz Festival, Aug 2019.
toropano: Darvish, the Persian musician.
toropano: Bass player. Music at Hotel El Telegrafo, Habana.
toropano: Viper's Cloud; Hot Five Plus Ahmed. Drom Taberna, TO.
toropano: Romero Lubambo with Dianne Reeves quintet. Koerner Hall.
toropano: All in the Family; Mike DeMicco with the Brubecks. Koerner Hall, TO.
toropano: Unorthodox Tradition; Sophie Lukacs on Kora. Drom, TO.
toropano: Corry Ouellette and her 'Sonny Balcones'. Reid's.
toropano: Noémy Braun an unique Cellist with ROMada. Ashkenaz 2022
toropano: The Raspy Singer, who came from the dark. Southside Shuffle.
toropano: Cécile Doo-Kingué. From NYC, but now many years a Montrealer.
toropano: Daniel Lanois; a rare and intimate performance. Roncy Rocks, Toronto
toropano: Two for One, but no Tea. Caity Gyorgy / Jocelyn Gould; At Handlebar.
toropano: The choice is entirely up to you. St Barnabas.
toropano: Celebrating with the 'Noonans'. Raise the glass for 2023.
toropano: Bluesman and Reggae-man; Danny Marks with Jay Douglas.
toropano: Nathan Beja; Driving force behind Toronto Swing.
toropano: Alfie Smith is well known guitarist from nearby Hamilton.
toropano: 'Rommel Riberio'. Brazilian from Montreal.
toropano: A spicy Danish. AySay from Scandinavia. Montreal Jazz Festival.