toropano: ISPY with Rebecca Everett at the Drom Taberna. Jan 2020
toropano: Rebecca Everett at the Drom Taberna. I-Spy in Jan 2020.
toropano: ♪Those Were the Days♪. Happy Palls. For 50 years nothing stopped them.
toropano: Swing Party. Where dancing is involved. Saigon, Vietnam.
toropano: Club Django reducted. Kensington Jazz Festival, Sept 2019.
toropano: The next 40 years with Manteca. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: TOT trio. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Lemon Bucket Orkestra. The stage is always too small for them. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Unknown Student Band. Fresco's, Kensington Jazz, September 2019.
toropano: Memories of 'Blue Face' musicians. Albert’s Hall.
toropano: Tia Brazda; a Western Girl. Markham Jazz Festival, Aug 2019.
toropano: Viper's Cloud; Hot Five. Markham Jazz Festival, Aug 2019.
toropano: The Carnival Brass Band. Music in Kensington Market.
toropano: 'Firewood Sac Roaring' & Bowie; Murals by Spekchella.
toropano: Happy Pals. Happy to be Back!
toropano: Tres Amigos at Traditional Jazz Christmas concert.
toropano: The Rolling Stones Longevity. 50 years of Traditional Jazz with Climax Jazz Band.
toropano: Dianne Reeves. Happy to be in Koerner Hall, TO.
toropano: Big Smoke Italians. In Little Italy, TO.
toropano: The Young and the Old love the Happy Pals.
toropano: Doghouse Orchestra with Donovan Locke, at Cameron House.
toropano: The Imbayacunas. Probably the best known Toronto street band. Beaches Jazz Fest 2022
toropano: Corry Ouellette and her 'Sonny Balcones'. Reid's.
toropano: Jazz Jam at Tapestry. Pedestrian Sunday at Kensington.
toropano: Gregg Stafford is back in Town.
toropano: ♫It was a night, oh, what a night, It was, it really was such a night♫.
toropano: Everyone in the house is a performer. Doghouse Orchestra.
toropano: Great vibe at Cameron House with 'Double Cuts'.
toropano: When Dylan played in Coffeehouses. Before the Taco era.
toropano: It was fun for the musicians, so double fun for the audience.