toropano: ISPY with Rebecca Everett at the Drom Taberna. Jan 2020
toropano: Rebecca Everett at the Drom Taberna. I-Spy in Jan 2020.
toropano: ♪Those Were the Days♪. Happy Palls. For 50 years nothing stopped them.
toropano: Rudy. Kensington Jazz, September 2019.
toropano: Attila Fias. Kensington Jazz, September 2019.
toropano: Abbey Sholzberg with Club Django. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Club Django reducted. Kensington Jazz Festival, Sept 2019.
toropano: Robi Botos with Majd Sekkar, Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: The next 40 years with Manteca. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Bassist Ross McIntyre. Kensington Jazz Festival, Sept 2019.
toropano: Adrean Farrugia on piano. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: One-and-Only Davide Direnzo on drums. Kensington Jazz Festival, Toronto.
toropano: One big Direnzo and one small Direnzo. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Tom Wilson. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: TOT trio. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Brandi Disterhaft Trio with double threat and double bass . Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Brandi Disterhaft . Low notes, High standards. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Michael Shand . Explosive pianist. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Alison Young. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Quincy Bullen. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Rich Moore and Davide Direnzo on drums. Kensington Jazz Festival, Sept 2019.
toropano: Jozef Botos, Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Matt Zimbel 40 years with Manteca. Kensington Jazz Fest, Sept 2019.
toropano: Lemon Bucket Orchestra is a bucket of fun. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Quincy Bullen. Wasn't that a party! Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Lauren Fall, Bass. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Reg Schwager, Guitar virtuoso. Kensington Jazz Festival, Sept 2019.
toropano: Aviva Chernick, Vocals. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Amy McConnell, Vocals. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.
toropano: Lemon Bucket Orkestra. The stage is always too small for them. Kensington Jazz Festival, September 2019.