Herald Belanda:
Leles - Lake of Cangkuang, 1912
Herald Belanda:
Garut - Lake Bagendit, 1917
Herald Belanda:
Garut - Chief Business Street, 1924
Herald Belanda:
Garut - Road to the Station, 1924
Herald Belanda:
Garut - Papandajan Road, 1924
Herald Belanda:
Garut - Sanatorium, 1920
Herald Belanda:
Garut 1912
Herald Belanda:
Situ Bagendit
Herald Belanda:
Garut - Kampong in Ricefields, 1906
Herald Belanda:
Sindanglaya - Health Center, 1916
Herald Belanda:
Garut - Market, 1905