SBGrad: Slave Leia
SBGrad: Xena and Thor
SBGrad: Warner Brothers booth
SBGrad: Komen Jedi
SBGrad: Queen of Hearts
SBGrad: Catwoman sculpture
SBGrad: Darth Vader sculpture
SBGrad: Super Yacht line up
SBGrad: Total Recall actress Kaitlyn Leeb
SBGrad: Hobbit trolls
SBGrad: Predator sculpture
SBGrad: Batman
SBGrad: War Machine
SBGrad: Zombie on a leash
SBGrad: Bart and Homer
SBGrad: Grimm weapons
SBGrad: Grimm potions
SBGrad: Grimm props
SBGrad: Aunt Marie's airstream
SBGrad: Naughty Princesses
SBGrad: Star Wars AT-ST
SBGrad: Joker
SBGrad: Jessica Rabbit
SBGrad: Leight Star
SBGrad: Batman and Robin Batmobile
SBGrad: Batman batmobile
SBGrad: Batman Forever batmobile
SBGrad: Adam West batmobile
SBGrad: Go Go Yubari
SBGrad: Jabba the Hutt