Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Derby City Transport 267 JOV 607P Ex-WMPTE 4607
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Derby City Transport JOV 611P Ex-WMPTE 4611
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Derby City Transport JOV 611P Ex-WMPTE 4611
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Frontrunner (South East) JOV 611P 411 Ex-WMPTE 4611
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Preserved WMPTE 4613 JOV 613P Wythall
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: North Western 761 NOC 381R Ex-WMPTE 6381
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: North Western 761 NOC 381R Ex-WMPTE 6381
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Stuarts NOC 614R Ex-WMPTE 6414
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Beacon Radio NOC 429R Ex-WMPTE 6429
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Promarco Promotions KIW 6356 Ex-WMPTE 6429
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Promarco Promotions KIW 6356 Ex-WMPTE 6429
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Barnsley & District 103 NOC 495R Ex-WMPTE 6495
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Andrews of Sheffield NOC 496R Ex-WMPTE 6496
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: (DY) 6734 NOC 734R Withdrawn
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: Matthews WDA 909T Ex-WMPTE 6909
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: 7000 Meets 7000 Wythall 31/5/21
Buses from the West Midlands 2020: West Midlands Fleetline 7000 WDA 700T