Katmandu Dipper: 2 foot deep for beams.
Katmandu Dipper: Fire pit layout.
Katmandu Dipper: Level the beam before cement.
Katmandu Dipper: Cement time.
Katmandu Dipper: More cement !
Katmandu Dipper: Dump it !
Katmandu Dipper: Fill it up !
Katmandu Dipper: 4x6 Beams to hold flooring and top of patio shading.
Katmandu Dipper: Ready for Bricks and cement.
Katmandu Dipper: One edge set.
Katmandu Dipper: Bricks applied.
Katmandu Dipper: Base done adding 2nd layer.
Katmandu Dipper: 4 layers & finishing around gas inlet.
Katmandu Dipper: Cement Base.
Katmandu Dipper: Cement Base.
Katmandu Dipper: Steel & Cement.
Katmandu Dipper: Karen helping tamp the cement.
Katmandu Dipper: Smooth it out.
Katmandu Dipper: Adding more steel for strength.
Katmandu Dipper: 2 more layers of bricks.
Katmandu Dipper: The Pose !
Katmandu Dipper: It' square isn't it ?
Katmandu Dipper: Last layer added.
Katmandu Dipper: Adding more mud.
Katmandu Dipper: Durango Mountain Ledge is what I used on Pit & BBQ.
Katmandu Dipper: Durango Mountain Ledge is what I used on Pit & BBQ.
Katmandu Dipper: What a mess !
Katmandu Dipper: Applying corners.
Katmandu Dipper: 3 to go !
Katmandu Dipper: Front side done.