Katmandu Dipper: The Briscoe Family 1927
Katmandu Dipper: Pauline Briscoe.
Katmandu Dipper: Dad early 1930's.
Katmandu Dipper: Dad 1929
Katmandu Dipper: Aunt Betty & Dad 1930.
Katmandu Dipper: Baby Joyce.
Katmandu Dipper: Little Blondie !
Katmandu Dipper: Mother & Son
Katmandu Dipper: Dad & Aunt Betty.
Katmandu Dipper: Dad early 1930's.
Katmandu Dipper: Grandparents Pat & Harold Karr & Dad as a young boy.
Katmandu Dipper: Dad around 1934-35.
Katmandu Dipper: My Mother & Her Family
Katmandu Dipper: 2 young boys 1930's.
Katmandu Dipper: Dad & Tommy
Katmandu Dipper: Darlene, Joyce & Joan.
Katmandu Dipper: The Pullins Family late 1930's.
Katmandu Dipper: Sisters around 1940.
Katmandu Dipper: Joyce, Joan & Jerry 1942.
Katmandu Dipper: Pullins Kids Portrait
Katmandu Dipper: Pullins Children
Katmandu Dipper: Young Joyce
Katmandu Dipper: Mom & Her Grandmother.
Katmandu Dipper: Ernie Briscoe with Nieces Barbara & Joyce.
Katmandu Dipper: Grandma Pat
Katmandu Dipper: Dad in (Sea Scouts)