collectormaniainsulate1: BRM001-GM10-4910-RL302 at Wodonga Vic on the SSR grain
collectormaniainsulate1: SSR101 and SSR102 on an SSR grain train at Boralma
collectormaniainsulate1: GM10 up SSR grain at Boralma Vic.
collectormaniainsulate1: 42103 and GM22 on the AK inspection train
collectormaniainsulate1: SSR C509-GM10-BRM001 with a loaded grain train at Springhurst Victoria Australia 27/4/20
collectormaniainsulate1: GM22 and GM 10 on the AK inspection train at Springhurst Victoria Australia 14/4/2020
collectormaniainsulate1: G514-BRM001-RL301-42103 and GM10 on a South Bound SSR empty grain train at Gerogery NSW Australia
collectormaniainsulate1: SSR GRAIN TRAIN AT SUNSET
collectormaniainsulate1: CLF4 AT SUNSET
collectormaniainsulate1: C501 AT THE ROCK NSW
collectormaniainsulate1: CLP12 down SSR grain train at Chiltern Vic
collectormaniainsulate1: CLF4 down SSR grain train at Wodonga Vic
collectormaniainsulate1: T386 freshly overhauled trailing SSR light engines with B75 and T385.
collectormaniainsulate1: B75-T386-T385 leading the loco transfer from Geelong to Seymour at Broadford
collectormaniainsulate1: B75-T385-T386 with a Locomotive Transfer from Geelong to Seymour at Donnybrook
collectormaniainsulate1: CLP12 up SSR grain at Boralma Vic
collectormaniainsulate1: CLF3 Down SSR Grain at Boralma Vic.
collectormaniainsulate1: C501-852-S303-4908-CLF1-CLF4 on the Down SSR grain at Longwood Vic
collectormaniainsulate1: C501-4908-852-44223-CLF4 on the Down SSR Grain at Gerogery NSW
collectormaniainsulate1: C501 leading the SSR grain to The Rock near Yerrong Creek NSW
collectormaniainsulate1: C501 approaches Ettamogah with a Down SSR grain to The Rock NSW
collectormaniainsulate1: CLF4 leading the SSR grain on the UP at Glenrowan Vic
collectormaniainsulate1: SSR Rail Train with triple EL's at Springhurst Vic
collectormaniainsulate1: 4532 at Cootamundra.
collectormaniainsulate1: CLF2 at Cootamundra NSW.
collectormaniainsulate1: C501 at Ettamogah with CLF4
collectormaniainsulate1: GM22-B61 and 4917 on an SSR ballast at Euroa
collectormaniainsulate1: T363 on a spoil train at McIntyre Loop
collectormaniainsulate1: C501 leading a down SSR grain at Avenel
collectormaniainsulate1: B61 and GM22 light engine at Chiltern Vic