espee1959: 76433 - BR Class 311 DTSO (Driving Trailer Second Open) - Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life, Coatbridge
espee1959: 76433 - BR Class 311 DTSO (Driving Trailer Second Open) - Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life, Coatbridge
espee1959: 76433 - BR Class 311 DTSO (Driving Trailer Second Open) - Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life, Coatbridge
espee1959: 76433 - BR Class 311 DTSO (Driving Trailer Second Open) - Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life, Coatbridge
espee1959: 62174 - BR Class 311 MBSO (Motor Brake Second Open) - Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life, Coatbridge
espee1959: 62174 - BR Class 311 MBSO (Motor Brake Second Open) - Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life, Coatbridge
espee1959: 62174 - BR Class 311 MBSO (Motor Brake Second Open) - Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life, Coatbridge
espee1959: 62174 - BR Class 311 MBSO (Motor Brake Second Open) - Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life, Coatbridge