beatrix.jones: Week 38. Wish I had got the whole tail.
beatrix.jones: Week 36
beatrix.jones: Week 34
beatrix.jones: Week 31
beatrix.jones: Week 3. The grouch and his trash can.
beatrix.jones: 343/366
beatrix.jones: 310/366 Another poser.
beatrix.jones: 300/366 This one seemed accustomed to sitting for portraits.
beatrix.jones: Week 7. On the catwalk.
beatrix.jones: Week 7. Stretch!
beatrix.jones: Week 45. Not sure if this guy is supposed to look like this, or if there's been some kind of summer haircut.
beatrix.jones: Week 44
beatrix.jones: Week 50.
beatrix.jones: Week 49
beatrix.jones: Week 11
beatrix.jones: Week 15. Governor Grey, the staff club cat.