Yonas Kidane:
Yonas Kidane:
Dire Dawa to Harar
Yonas Kidane:
Negele, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Omo River
Yonas Kidane:
Afar Triangle's Lake Afrera
Yonas Kidane:
The city of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Lake Tana, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Central Ethiopia's Rift Valley Lakes
Yonas Kidane:
Arba Minch, Chamo and Abaya
Yonas Kidane:
The Rugged Terrain of Ethiopia's Northern Highlands
Yonas Kidane:
Aware, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Jijiga, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Jimma, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Chelbi Wildlife Reserve
Yonas Kidane:
Gambela, Gobi, and Dembi Dolo
Yonas Kidane:
Afar Region, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Ras Dashen and Tekeze River
Yonas Kidane:
Mekelle, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
The Danakil Depression
Yonas Kidane:
Somali Region, Eastern Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Bale Mountains - South East Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Mega, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
The Meeting of Rivers
Yonas Kidane:
The International Space Station Over the Afar Triangle
Yonas Kidane:
The Horn
Yonas Kidane:
River Shebelle, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Dallol, Ethiopia
Yonas Kidane:
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia