That Bro Dad: FFG(x) - Helo pad detail. Shown is SeaHawk helicopter at rest.
That Bro Dad: FFG(x) - propeller detail
That Bro Dad: Size comparison - FFG(x) (left) will be almost the same dimensions as USS Churchill despite being an estimated 4000 tons lighter.
That Bro Dad: The future FFG(x)
That Bro Dad: Comparison shot - FFG(x) (top) USS Churchill (bottom)
That Bro Dad: Future FFG(x)
That Bro Dad: FFG(x) - redesigned bow and superstructure
That Bro Dad: FFG(x) - helo deck largely unchanged
That Bro Dad: FFG(x) - redesigned missile deck and swapped out the NSM launchers
That Bro Dad: Ship comparison - Proposed FFG(x) (left) and USS Churchill (right)
That Bro Dad: FFG(x) v2.0
That Bro Dad: FFG(x) top view
That Bro Dad: USN surface ships
That Bro Dad: USN surface fleet - October 2020
That Bro Dad: Front-on view of fleet
That Bro Dad: USS Virginia joins the fleet