That Bro Dad: Exosuit Hack One
That Bro Dad: Exosuit hack two
That Bro Dad: Rebuilt 7153 and 7144 over the weekend. Had a blast doing it!
That Bro Dad: Lego 75301 mod - added retractable landing gear, proton torpedo launchers, and underside to nose cone. Landing gear shown folded
That Bro Dad: Lego 75301 mod - added retractable landing gear, proton torpedo launchers, and underside to nose cone. Landing gear shown deployed
That Bro Dad: Lego 75301 mod - updated engines, lowered astromech droid and much more!
That Bro Dad: Lego 75301 mod - added a fully detailed cockpit. Gave Luke a proper chair, moved the console, and gave him a joystick.
That Bro Dad: Custom Lego B-Wing - main wing detail
That Bro Dad: Custom Lego B-Wing (heavily modified 7180)
That Bro Dad: Custom Lego B-Wing - cockpit
That Bro Dad: Custom Lego B-Wing - gun pod
That Bro Dad: Custom Lego B-Wing - engine detail
That Bro Dad: Custom Lego B-Wing - cockpit front
That Bro Dad: Custom Lego B-Wing - rear view
That Bro Dad: TIE Interceptor MOC (based on 75300)
That Bro Dad: TIE Interceptor MOC (based on 75300)
That Bro Dad: TIE Interceptor MOC (based on 75300)
That Bro Dad: Luke's X-Wing (75301) mod - replaced blast reflectors
That Bro Dad: Luke's X-Wing (75301) mod - moved the retractable landing gear to a more correct position