randeclip: Mystery Photo
randeclip: Chrysler Building
randeclip: Escape
randeclip: Empire
randeclip: Please take a seat...
randeclip: Brooklyn Bridge
randeclip: Across the water
randeclip: Ten till noon
randeclip: Taxi!
randeclip: "Wisdom and Knowledge Shall Be The Stability of Thy Time"
randeclip: NYMAS
randeclip: Down the river
randeclip: Sailing
randeclip: rooms
randeclip: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Manhattan
randeclip: Important Call
randeclip: Cleopatra's Needle
randeclip: Hey!
randeclip: 43rd. & Lex.
randeclip: Water under the bridge
randeclip: Lines
randeclip: Strawberry Fields Forever
randeclip: Californication
randeclip: NYC U- Bahn Ausfahrt
randeclip: Light
randeclip: Bryant Park
randeclip: Macy's