jonathaneales: Very large water monitor (Varanus salvator macromaculosus, Varanidae)
jonathaneales: Ring-legged Fiddler Crab (Austruca annulipes, Ocypodidae)
jonathaneales: Immediately after eating the fly in the adjacent image.
jonathaneales: Immediately after eating the fly in the adjacent image.
jonathaneales: Hammerhead planarium worm (Bipalium sp.)
jonathaneales: Hammerhead planarium worm (Bipalium sp.)
jonathaneales: Mushrooms in a beam of sunlight on the forest floor
jonathaneales: Mushrooms growing on a dead branch.
jonathaneales: Not sure what, but lots of them, stuck to the leaves.
jonathaneales: Mushroom sprouting in a pot