emily.malmstrom: A slug egg under a 2x macro lens
emily.malmstrom: Black-necked stilt, lifer bird.
emily.malmstrom: Belted kingfisher with a small carp.
emily.malmstrom: Violet-green swallow about to eat an insect.
emily.malmstrom: Barn swallow
emily.malmstrom: Bighorn ram
emily.malmstrom: Acorn woodpecker
emily.malmstrom: Jumping spider on an anthurium spathe
emily.malmstrom: Giant brown katydid
emily.malmstrom: Yellow-throated euphonia
emily.malmstrom: A large frog we found in the yard.
emily.malmstrom: Small frog in the rainforest
emily.malmstrom: Yellow-throated toucan
emily.malmstrom: Red-eyed tree frog
emily.malmstrom: Male grass frog guarding eggs
emily.malmstrom: Smoky jungle frog
emily.malmstrom: Green and black poison dart frog
emily.malmstrom: Mating red-eye tree frogs
emily.malmstrom: Wasp on a torch ginger bloom
emily.malmstrom: Green iguana
emily.malmstrom: Small slug on a heliconia bloom
emily.malmstrom: Torch ginger bloom
emily.malmstrom: Arenal volcano
emily.malmstrom: Green basilisk
emily.malmstrom: Green huntsman
emily.malmstrom: Three-toed sloth
emily.malmstrom: Red-lored parrot
emily.malmstrom: Ringed Kingfisher
emily.malmstrom: Bananaquit
emily.malmstrom: Spectacled owl peeking out