POPhotograpy: 50m2 Seefahrtkreuzer, "Pinta" - - 1937
POPhotograpy: 8 Meter class
POPhotograpy: 8 metre class yacht "Angela"
POPhotograpy: Beneteau First 325 "High 5"
POPhotograpy: Bianca 36, 1982 -
POPhotograpy: Breehorn 37, "Pjotter"
POPhotograpy: Contessa 28, Tessa,1977 -
POPhotograpy: Contest 29, "Mok to" -(1964 - 1976)
POPhotograpy: Cornish Crabber 24 MK I (1973 - ....)
POPhotograpy: Dehler 28, "Luca"
POPhotograpy: Dehler 31, "Bojangles" in the 24 Uurs Zeilrace
POPhotograpy: Dehler 34
POPhotograpy: Dehler 39 CWS
POPhotograpy: Dehler 39 CWS, 1988 -
POPhotograpy: Dehler Optima 92, 1974 - ...
POPhotograpy: Dehler Sprinta 70, 1975 -
POPhotograpy: Dehler Varianta 18 Roodkapje, "GIMMICK" (1994 - ...)
POPhotograpy: Drifter 25, "Driftkikker", 1/4 Ton Class, 1976 - 1982
POPhotograpy: Dufour 35, 1971 -
POPhotograpy: EYGTHENE 24 - "Zeewief" (1974 -...)
POPhotograpy: Etchells 22
POPhotograpy: Excalibur 36, 1963
POPhotograpy: Extention 24, "Explosion", 1972 - 1975
POPhotograpy: Extention 24, (1/4 Ton Class) - "Explosion"
POPhotograpy: Extention 24, 1972 - 1975
POPhotograpy: Folkboat (Nordic), the original of wood, 1942 -
POPhotograpy: Folkboat (Varne), "Stern", 1977 - 1985
POPhotograpy: Folkboat ---- Folkeboot GRP -
POPhotograpy: Hustler 35, "Knoerteke" (1971 - 1979)
POPhotograpy: Hustler 36, "Njord" (1979 - 1981)