andante808: The trail less travelled
andante808: Homeward Bound
andante808: Sugar_Maple_Magic
andante808: A view thru the chicane
andante808: Falls Last Gasp
andante808: XC_Trail_Color5_CPR_Fall_2024
andante808: XC_Trail_Color4_CPR_Fall_2024
andante808: Reaching_to_the_Sky_CPR_Fall_2024
andante808: Tunnel of Color
andante808: Sugar_Maple_Cathedral
andante808: XC Trail Colors3
andante808: XC Ski Trail Colors2
andante808: XC Ski Trail Color
andante808: Trail of Colors2
andante808: Trail of Colors
andante808: Maple Trail Magic
andante808: A Splash of Orange
andante808: Yellow to Red
andante808: Inside_Looking_Out_MRP_Fall_2024
andante808: Red_Yellow_Sapling_Leaves
andante808: Maple Leaves in Progress
andante808: Color_from_the_Understory_CPR_Fall_2024
andante808: Aspen_Trail_Early_Color
andante808: Badlands_Pano_Summer_24_2
andante808: Badlands_Landscape_Summer_24_1
andante808: Badlands_Pano_1_Summer_2024
andante808: Lakeside Columbine
andante808: Roadside Columbine
andante808: Spring Lupine 2
andante808: On guard