Christian Bauermeister: DSC00778-fstk-2-affi
Christian Bauermeister: focusstack-DSC00652-2-affi
Christian Bauermeister: DSC01024-2-focusstk
Christian Bauermeister: Still life - apples in a bowl
Christian Bauermeister: still life - kitchen
Christian Bauermeister: glas, wooden bowl, wooden egg-cup
Christian Bauermeister: exercise #46 - still life
Christian Bauermeister: still life - glas - knife - fruits in a bowl
Christian Bauermeister: pears, vase and apple
Christian Bauermeister: exercise still life
Christian Bauermeister: Blomster stilleben - exercise
Christian Bauermeister: still life with apples
Christian Bauermeister: Still life with eggs and copper pot
Christian Bauermeister: still life with dry flowers
Christian Bauermeister: still life with flowers and copper pot
Christian Bauermeister: still life with bread, apples and teapot
Christian Bauermeister: still life with books, candle and bottle of danish rum
Christian Bauermeister: still life with clock, pears and silver goblet