wizardofozgurl: Tulip Basket (stained)
wizardofozgurl: Tulip Basket
wizardofozgurl: Tulip Basket
wizardofozgurl: Tote Basket
wizardofozgurl: Tote Basket
wizardofozgurl: Patriotic Basket
wizardofozgurl: Patriotic Basket
wizardofozgurl: My "Patriotic" Basket
wizardofozgurl: "Patriotic Basket"
wizardofozgurl: Basket Class
wizardofozgurl: Basket (crocheted)
wizardofozgurl: Pottery Handle Muffin Basket
wizardofozgurl: March 2008 Basket Class
wizardofozgurl: Basket-Making Class
wizardofozgurl: 4 Apples
wizardofozgurl: Bow Basket
wizardofozgurl: A Work-in Progress
wizardofozgurl: Brown Around Basket
wizardofozgurl: February 2010 Basket
wizardofozgurl: Big Oval Market Basket
wizardofozgurl: Half-Bushel Basket
wizardofozgurl: My last 3 baskets..
wizardofozgurl: My 2 Baskets made today.......
wizardofozgurl: The beginning of my first basket today!
wizardofozgurl: Divided Rectangle Basket
wizardofozgurl: Flop Ear Basket
wizardofozgurl: Round Apple Basket
wizardofozgurl: Spring Flowers Basket
wizardofozgurl: Toys or Tots Basket