stephenhjcole: Below the peaks
stephenhjcole: Mr Colourful
stephenhjcole: Dancing on the hill
stephenhjcole: A mythical path
stephenhjcole: Cactus and Mountain
stephenhjcole: Mt Teide, viewed from Roque de Garcia
stephenhjcole: The battering Atlantic
stephenhjcole: To the lighthouse
stephenhjcole: The Nun's playing hide and seek
stephenhjcole: Radiant
stephenhjcole: The drama of togetherness
stephenhjcole: Tranquil Autumn dawn
stephenhjcole: Fancy a swim ?
stephenhjcole: Garachico and Taco volcano
stephenhjcole: Tranquility
stephenhjcole: Beautiful balconies
stephenhjcole: The reclining lady
stephenhjcole: Our hidden beach
stephenhjcole: The green road
stephenhjcole: If you go into the woods one day ....
stephenhjcole: The colours of Brow Head
stephenhjcole: Sky, Sun, Wind, Water, Earth.
stephenhjcole: A grand entrance
stephenhjcole: Christmas
stephenhjcole: Adding to the scenery
stephenhjcole: Having a big drink !