Thea - Birch:
Commander Cody & Kenobi
Thea - Birch:
Clones on Geonosis
Thea - Birch:
Boba Fett Hunts the Jedi
Thea - Birch:
The Battle
Thea - Birch:
Fallen Brother
Thea - Birch:
Master and Padawan
Thea - Birch:
Assault on Ryloth
Thea - Birch:
Thea - Birch:
Best Relationship in Star Wars
Thea - Birch:
Imperial Advances
Thea - Birch:
Kit-Adi Mundi and the Clones
Thea - Birch:
What is a Padawan Without his Master...
Thea - Birch:
Tackle on the Battlefield
Thea - Birch:
Anakin Leads
Thea - Birch:
Jedi Lost
Thea - Birch:
Indiana Jones Explores a Cave
Thea - Birch:
Anakin & R2
Thea - Birch:
General Kenobi Tends to a Fallen Clone
Thea - Birch:
The Jedi vs. Darth Maul
Thea - Birch:
Anakin & Rex Discover a Battle Zone
Thea - Birch:
A Bounty Carnage
Thea - Birch:
"We have to find Ahsoka..."
Thea - Birch:
War Rages On
Thea - Birch:
If Anakin Became a Sith Lord
Thea - Birch:
Finding the Light
Thea - Birch:
Anakin V.S. Dooku
Thea - Birch:
Maul on the Move
Thea - Birch:
Into the Clone Wars
Thea - Birch:
The Jedi Lead the 501st
Thea - Birch:
Commander Fox