BobRobin: two wood-nymphs
BobRobin: bearded lady
BobRobin: grass seeds and grasshopper
BobRobin: lancelot
BobRobin: female spreadwing
BobRobin: praying mantis
BobRobin: compass plant flower
BobRobin: pecks in pink
BobRobin: milkweed tussock moth caterpillar
BobRobin: tiny bee on fleabane
BobRobin: lyre tipped spreadwing up close
BobRobin: metalmark moth
BobRobin: slightly tattered viceroy
BobRobin: backlit robber fly
BobRobin: Peck's skipper with green background
BobRobin: meadowhawk on grass seeds - explored
BobRobin: viceroy pair
BobRobin: sparkling 12 spot
BobRobin: acadian hairstreak
BobRobin: familiar bluet on pink grass stalk
BobRobin: wood nymph and thistle
BobRobin: sulfurs courting
BobRobin: viceroy with green background
BobRobin: wood nymph on green background
BobRobin: monarch at markham - explored
BobRobin: back-lit viceroy
BobRobin: white-faced meadowhawk pair
BobRobin: black swallowtail with pink
BobRobin: sweetflag on green background
BobRobin: viceroy in the grass