stephen.macintosh: A couple of insects that I got to spend time with. I was likely happier about that than they were.
stephen.macintosh: Afternoon Delight
stephen.macintosh: Plum Blossom
stephen.macintosh: Ant Antics - square crop
stephen.macintosh: Swallowtail Butterfly on Rhododendron Bloom
stephen.macintosh: Swallowtail Butterfly on Chives
stephen.macintosh: Morning Rose
stephen.macintosh: Swallowtail Butterfly on White Lilac
stephen.macintosh: Hummingbird Moth on Mountain Blue Flower
stephen.macintosh: Swallowtail Butterfly on White Lilac
stephen.macintosh: Swallowtail Butterfly on Purple Lilac.
stephen.macintosh: Lady Slipper
stephen.macintosh: Lady Slipper
stephen.macintosh: Purple Lilac
stephen.macintosh: Wild Blueberry Blossom
stephen.macintosh: Apple Blossoms
stephen.macintosh: Bleeding Hearts
stephen.macintosh: Bleeding Hearts
stephen.macintosh: Apple Blossoms
stephen.macintosh: Apple blossoms and ye olde wagon wheel.
stephen.macintosh: Wee Tiny Bud
stephen.macintosh: Pear Blossom
stephen.macintosh: Rainy Day Rose
stephen.macintosh: Rainy Day Rosebud