robsturgess: Red Squirrel
robsturgess: Exmoor silhouette
robsturgess: Lion's mane jellyfish
robsturgess: It's a bug's life 1
robsturgess: Red Squirrel
robsturgess: Grey seal
robsturgess: Common darters
robsturgess: Lord of all he surveys!
robsturgess: 'Hi, got any nuts?'
robsturgess: It's a bug's life 2
robsturgess: Itsy bitsy...
robsturgess: Let's polinate
robsturgess: A seal of approval
robsturgess: Green Hairstreak
robsturgess: Looking after the bees!
robsturgess: Preparing for Winter!
robsturgess: Red Admirals
robsturgess: Marigold nectar gatherer