Paul just having fun!:
Black bird singing in the dead of night
Paul just having fun!:
Paul just having fun!:
Cold light of day
Paul just having fun!:
A moment
Paul just having fun!:
Paul just having fun!:
A heart that is true will always shine through...❤❤❤
Paul just having fun!:
Try your best to rise above the negative words! 👍👍
Paul just having fun!:
You & Me
Paul just having fun!:
Sparrow Hawk
Paul just having fun!:
Wood Pigeon
Paul just having fun!:
Flying with the birds...
Paul just having fun!:
Keep your eyes on what's happening behind your back!..
Paul just having fun!:
Save my soul!
Paul just having fun!:
Spotted woodpecker
Paul just having fun!:
Now that's a shot
Paul just having fun!:
Ring-necked parakeet
Paul just having fun!:
Buzzard on patrol
Paul just having fun!:
Flying high
Paul just having fun!:
A Buzzard over head
Paul just having fun!:
And the truth shall set you free.
Paul just having fun!:
Just holding on!
Paul just having fun!:
Life long love
Paul just having fun!:
symbolizes renewal, fresh beginnings, and hope. The Red Robin bird is also a symbol of pleasure, joy, contentment, satisfaction, clarity, rejuvenation, bright future and happiness. A robin is a small bird which has both spirit and symbolic meaning attache
Paul just having fun!:
Coming into land
Paul just having fun!:
Paul just having fun!:
Robin, Lord and master of all that he surveys
Paul just having fun!:
Washing line
Paul just having fun!:
Paul just having fun!:
If it walks like a duck quacks like a duck then its a duck!
Paul just having fun!:
Woody eating the garden fence