drake399: Light trails of the evening walk
drake399: Just an evening photo
drake399: unfinished
drake399: people by the river
drake399: Двор
drake399: На Советской
drake399: У "Кристалла"
drake399: Ночная панорама Советской
drake399: Yard near the house
drake399: cyberpunk in the outback
drake399: City center on holidays
drake399: Eyes of houses
drake399: sad woman
drake399: Sign
drake399: Christmas tree
drake399: hotels
drake399: Заправка
drake399: Red Wall
drake399: industrial zone
drake399: Настенная живопись
drake399: Взгляд на город
drake399: Тень лестницы
drake399: Улица ночью
drake399: Перекрёсток
drake399: Луна
drake399: Прекрасное далёко
drake399: At the stadium
drake399: Coat of arms of my city - Tambov
drake399: Panorama stitched together from many photos taken with the Lumia 1020 / Панорама, сшитая из множества фотографий, снятых на Lumia 1020
drake399: three colors