bandhunter88: Mallard hen
bandhunter88: Canadian geese landing
bandhunter88: Stunning wood duck in Colorado
bandhunter88: Stunning wood duck in Colorado
bandhunter88: Stunning wood duck in Colorado
bandhunter88: Stunning wood duck in Colorado
bandhunter88: Golden eye hen diving
bandhunter88: Three drake ring necked ducks
bandhunter88: The three stooges
bandhunter88: Hen mallard reflection
bandhunter88: Canada goose portrait
bandhunter88: Canada goose in flight
bandhunter88: Mallard drake
bandhunter88: suspected Canadian x Grey lag goose hybrid
bandhunter88: Northern shoveler hen in flight
bandhunter88: I really liked catching a pair of Hooded Mergansers and a painted turtle sharing the same log
bandhunter88: Mallard ducks flushing just before sun down
bandhunter88: Northern shoveler flushing I got earlier this year
bandhunter88: Canadian goose swims out of the fog