Renée.R: Magnolia tree
Renée.R: Deutzia flowers
Renée.R: The beauty and silence of abandoned places...
Renée.R: Spirea Flawors
Renée.R: Spring...and everywhere there are flowers blooming!
Renée.R: Hippocrepis Emerus
Renée.R: A house surrounded by green hills ...
Renée.R: Flowers of white violets along the banks of a hilly path
Renée.R: Small and colorful heather plants
Renée.R: flowers of violets along the banks of the paths
Renée.R: Wild anemones
Renée.R: A look at the valley ...
Renée.R: A day among the snow-covered mountains...
Renée.R: The small church and the big mountain.
Renée.R: Coronaria anemone
Renée.R: The passing of time...
Renée.R: Shutters with hearts...
Renée.R: The house of owls ...
Renée.R: The dahlia and the brilliant rain drops...
Renée.R: Echeveria flowers
Renée.R: A warm and sunny winter day...
Renée.R: Mahonia flowers
Renée.R: The fence, seen from "outside"
Renée.R: Winter rose...
Renée.R: Small mountain lake
Renée.R: Wild cyclamens
Renée.R: The winter of boats...
Renée.R: Variegated Veronica
Renée.R: Rain drops .
Renée.R: Kalanchoe tomentosa plant.