Reminds me of...: Bell Statue
Reminds me of...: Bell Cty Courthoue
Reminds me of...: Long Way Up
Reminds me of...: Flags Waving
Reminds me of...: Clock Tower Columns
Reminds me of...: Courthouse Dome
Reminds me of...: Clock Tower
Reminds me of...: Clock Tower and Flags
Reminds me of...: Lady Justice
Reminds me of...: Finishing Touches
Reminds me of...: Bell Cty Courthouse
Reminds me of...: Corinthian Columns
Reminds me of...: Bell County Capital
Reminds me of...: Two Courthouse Windows
Reminds me of...: Bell Cty Courthouse Cornerstone
Reminds me of...: Window with Ornamentation
Reminds me of...: Nice Patina
Reminds me of...: Belton Depot
Reminds me of...: M K & T Depot
Reminds me of...: Former US Post Office
Reminds me of...: Windows on the Square
Reminds me of...: Windows between Pilasters
Reminds me of...: Store Neon
Reminds me of...: Downtown Street
Reminds me of...: The Beltonian Theatre
Reminds me of...: Carnegie Library
Reminds me of...: Carnegie Pediment
Reminds me of...: Carnegie Capitals
Reminds me of...: Belton Steeple
Reminds me of...: Bird Flying by Steeple