MollySVH: Our first night destination: Fado Restaurant O Faia in Bairro Alto
MollySVH: Caldo Verde (kale soup) at O Faia
MollySVH: Portuguese wine at O Faia
MollySVH: Cod with fava beans at O Faia
MollySVH: "Farófias” meringue dessert at O Faia
MollySVH: Portuguese herbal digestif at O Faia
MollySVH: Our first dinner out in Lisbon at O Faia
MollySVH: With Lenita, star of our fado show at O Faia
MollySVH: Street art near our apartment
MollySVH: Azulejos-themed badge at CC Global Summit
MollySVH: Pretty boats at the waterfront
MollySVH: Big boats!
MollySVH: Big boats on the Rio Tejo
MollySVH: Street art
MollySVH: Boat art!
MollySVH: Mercado da Ribeira
MollySVH: Mercado da Ribeira
MollySVH: Time Out food market in Mercado da Ribeira
MollySVH: Impressive port selection in the Time Out market
MollySVH: Colorful view of our neighborhood, at the intersection of Chiado and Bairro Alto
MollySVH: Colorful ceramics
MollySVH: Pretty, slippery Lisbon sidewalk
MollySVH: Tiles on display at a nearby shop/factory
MollySVH: Manteigaria, our local source for the pastéis de nata
MollySVH: Pasteis de nata at neighborhood favorite Manteigaria
MollySVH: Manteigaria, our local source for the pastéis de nata
MollySVH: Picturesque scooter in our neighborhood
MollySVH: Typical Lisbon doorway
MollySVH: Our pretty street in Lisbon
MollySVH: Our pretty street in Lisbon