MollySVH: Daryl and Rob enjoy dinner in our home base town of Cittiglio
MollySVH: Sacro monte di Varese
MollySVH: Sacro monte di Varese
MollySVH: Sacro monte di Varese
MollySVH: Sacro monte di Varese
MollySVH: Sacro monte di Varese
MollySVH: Lake Lugano, on the road race course
MollySVH: Rob on the shore of Lake Lugano
MollySVH: Lake Lugano, on the RR course
MollySVH: Lake Lugano, on the RR course
MollySVH: Lake Maggiore
MollySVH: Lake Maggiore
MollySVH: Lake Maggiore
MollySVH: Lake Maggiore, on the road race course
MollySVH: Pretty church in town of Gambarogno on the road race course
MollySVH: Our friend Xavier led us on a wild goose chase to find an open track for testing in Milan!
MollySVH: Testing testing testing at a track in Milan
MollySVH: Testing testing testing at a track in Milan
MollySVH: Multitasking with a conference call while testing rolling resistance at the track in Milan
MollySVH: One of the many entertaining locals at the track we found in Milan
MollySVH: Time trial podium
MollySVH: Time trial podium
MollySVH: Time trial podium
MollySVH: Our friend Dan on the time trial podium
MollySVH: Our friend Jess on the 19-34 time trial podium
MollySVH: Fastest man and woman, all categories
MollySVH: Time trial work champions
MollySVH: Time trial work champions
MollySVH: Time trial world champions
MollySVH: Time trial world champions